Montgomery County
Historical Commission
"Birthplace of the Lone Star Flag"

Texas Historical Markers

Montgomery County
As one of the most visible programs of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), historical markers commemorate diverse topics in Texas history, including the history and architecture of houses, commercial and public buildings, religious congregations, and military sites; events that changed the course of local and state history; and individuals who have made lasting contributions to our state, community organizations, and businesses.
Historical markers can be found in all 254 Texas counties. Age, significance, and architectural requirements govern the eligibility of topics and sites when applying for either a subject marker, a Historic Texas Cemetery marker, or a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark marker.
Historical Markers
Types of Historic Markers

Subject Marker
Subject markers are educational in nature and reveal aspects of local history that are important to a community or region. These markers honor topics such as church congregations, schools, communities, businesses, events and individuals. Subject markers are placed at sites that have a historical association with the topic, but no legal restriction is placed on the use of the property or site, although the THC must be notified if the marker is ever to be relocated.
Most topics must date back 50 years, events 30 years, and individuals after 10 years.
Topic has significance if it had influence or impact on the course of history/cultural development.
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Marker
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (RTHL) markers are awarded to structures deemed worthy of preservation for their historical associations and architectural significance. RTHL is a legal designation and comes with a measure of protection; it is the highest honor the state can bestow on a historic structure, and the designation is required for this type of marker. RTHL status is a permanent designation and is not to be removed from the property in the event of a transfer of ownership.
Structures must be at least 50 years old. Historical Significance is required through historical association, events, individuals, or significance to the area. Architectural Significant structures are outstanding examples of architectural history: design, materials, type or method of construction.
Historic Texas Cemetery Marker
Historic Texas Cemetery (HTC) markers are only for burial grounds previously approved for HTC designation. These markers recognize the historical significance of a cemetery and, with the use of interpretive plaques, provide background on associated communities, families, events and customs. HTC markers must be placed at the cemetery, but since cemeteries are protected under other existing laws, they convey no restrictions on the property.
The application for an HTC marker with an interpretive plaque must include the same type of detailed history required for other markers. In addition to the context, overview and significance sections, it must also include a section that provides a detailed physical description of the site that includes mention of the cemetery setting, and descriptions of significant landscape features or noteworthy burial markers and funereal practices.

State Marker Applications
Please see this chart from the Texas Preservation Handbook for County Historical Commissions that outlines the basic steps of the marker application process (PDF).
Apply for a Historical Marker:
The 2024 Marker Application period will be from March 1st - 2 pm CDT May 15th.
The historical marker process in Texas begins at the county level. After you have reviewed all the relevant information on this page, contact your county historical commission chair if you are interested in submitting an application.
Please note that applying for a marker is highly competitive, all required components must be included when submitting an application. See Marker Toolkit for more information on how to apply. The entire process of application submission to marker dedication is very long, most applications take 12-18 months.
2023 Marker Applications are now available. Please click on format below to download:
2023 Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (RTHL) Application (Word Doc) (PDF)
2023 Historic Texas Cemetery (HTC) Marker Application (Word Doc) (PDF)
Please note that all marker applications must be approved and submitted by your county historical commission chair or marker chair to markers@thc.texas.gov during the open application period.
HTC Name & Date Plaque Applications
(accepted year-round)
A Historic Texas Cemetery designation is a pre-requisite for a cemetery marker. If your cemetery has been designated as historic through our Cemetery Preservation program and you wish to purchase a non-interpretive historical plaque, then you can submit the form below.
Note: For an interpretive historical marker for the cemetery, please submit an HTC Application during the regular Spring application period (see the section above to download HTC Marker Application when available).
The HTC Medallion with Name & Date Plaque application is available in Word doc and pdf format, please click on the link to download:
HTC Medallion with Name & Date Plaque Application (Word doc)
HTC Medallion with Name & Date Plaque Application SAMPLE (Word doc)
Marker program staff offer several online webinars explaining the marker research and application process. Look here for a list of dates and times for these training opportunities.
Helpful Tools for Markers
Marker Program Policies, Forms, and Procedures
Marker Types (PDF)
Marker Statewide Themes/Topics (PDF)
2023 Historical Markers Program Work Plan (PDF)
2024 Historical Markers Program Work Plan (PDF)
Official Texas Historical Marker Procedures (PDF) (for new marker applications)
Scoring Criteria (PDF)
Official Texas Historical Marker Policies (PDF) (for existing and new markers)
2020 Amendment Relocation Replacement Retirement Procedures (PDF) (for existing markers)
For an outline of the basic steps of the marker application process, please see this Marker Process Timeline (PDF).
If you need to move a marker, submit the Marker Relocation Form in Word (or PDF) to the THC.
To order a replacement for a damaged or missing marker, including replacement parts for Texas Centennial markers, use the Marker Replacement Form in Word (or PDF). To order a supplemental plaque to correct or add information (one sentence), use the Supplemental Plaque Order Form in Word ( or PDF).
Found a mistake on a marker? Request to have the THC review a marker for a possible correction.
Find out more about marker refinishing.
Original files of Texas historical marker applications are housed at the THC Library, and inscriptions and location information for individual markers can be accessed through the Texas Historic Sites Atlas.
To request a copy or scan of a marker file, please email markers@thc.texas.gov with the name of the marker, county and your contact information.

Historical Markers Documents